As parents, educators, and experts in children's mental health, we know how powerful affirmations can be.

That’s why we created this store—to give families the tools to raise confident, resilient kids. Backed by research and our bestselling book, we’re here to help shape their future—one positive word at a time.

Shop today and join the movement of parents who want to beat the mental health crisis and empower our children!

Why Shop With Us?

We are not a big box store. We are simply a family of educators dedicated to enriching and empowering the lives of our children!

Drs. Anala and Kevin Leichtman have a combined 20+ years of experience teaching all grades from Pre-K, 7-12th, and college. We have published several books and spoke on national and international stages.

We are grateful for the opportunity to translate our work in the field to products designed to help your children where and how they need it most!

Our Story